Saturday, 23 July 2016

My 4 stages of confusion about Pokemon Go

Confusion Stage 1: What is Pokemon Go?

At this stage I was blissfully unaware of what Pokemon Go was. I had never played a pokemon game before and didn't understand what it was about, other than the fact that you have to catch them all. It sounded to me like an electronic version of a Panini football sticker book.

Adam was telling me about it a couple of weeks ago when he had managed to get the app via some super secret l337 haxxor method. Or something. He was extremely excited and giving me loads of information about what goes on. So I had some sort of understanding after this, but I was still really confused.

Adam's excitement about the matter persuaded me to download it. I wanted to be doing what all the cool kids do. This progressed me onto stage 2 of the process.

Confusion Stage 2: I don't understand Pokemon Go.

It was quite cute. I liked the fact that the warning when you load up the game is is "Don't walk into a Giant Monster's Mouth." It amused me enough to give the game a few goes. I didn't understand what was going on really and forgot that I had the app.

As a few more days passed and the app was all over the news and I spoke to more cool kids who were playing it, I started giving it a few more goes. I still didn't understand it but I carried on playing every so often for a few minutes on the walk to the supermarket.

Confusion Stage 3: Why am I addicted to Pokemon Go?

I have just been for a lovely 3 km walk. Unlike running, I do really enjoy walking. I find it a pleasant form of exercise, in which I can take in the lovely surroundings and learn about where I am. I really like reading the signs which tell you about local history, checking out the architecture, enjoying the seaside.

I popped into the library and borrowed a couple of books, discovered that they have a town history museum in there, learnt about my town, got a bit of sunshine and had a really nice time.

I would not have gone for this walk if I hadn't somehow become addicted to Pokemon Go. My route was basically dictated by where PokeStops are located in my town (5 within a minute's walk of my house - one of the many benefits to living in the town centre).

Transferring between stage 2 and stage 3 was when my understanding of the game clicked and I knew exactly what was going on. I don't know how this happened but it did.

What I can't understand though, is why I am addicted to it. All I am doing is walking and pushing a button on my phone every so often. I don't know why I want to do this but I want to. It's a really weird state to be in. Even after reading this article on the Forbes website, I am no closer to understanding.

Confusion Stage 4: Why is there a dying fish?

The Pokemon all seem to be based loosely on real life animals. This sort of makes sense. It allows kids to have an understanding of what the monsters are.

I was really freaked out by one that I caught last night, though.


A fish.

Flapping around.

Out of water.


Why does this exist?

So freaked out.

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