Here is a picture of Dexter before I actually start ranting, just to give people time to read that spoiler alert.
There. Now that's out of the way, on with the rant.
I have been into Dexter for a while. I think it was around season 3 was on TV when someone lent me a DVD of the first season and told me that I'd like it. I did and I caught up quite quickly.
It was brilliant. The idea was amazing - a forensic analyst who is a compulsive serial killer, therefore able to cover his tracks perfectly and who only kills the bad guys.
The show had a couple of brilliant season. The first one and the one with John Lithgow as the Trinity killer stand out. It also had some amazing bits in the others.
Since it was announced that they were going to end the show a couple of years ago, I have watched the last three seasons with Bass and Natalie as companions. Since that point the writers had always known how it was going to end, according to interviews.
Since that point, we had been debating how it was going to end. In my mind, there was one of two ways it could finish:
1. Dexter is dead.
2. Dexter is imprisoned.
Any other way, then there is not a resolution. If Dexter is alive and at large, we still assume that he has the killer instinct - the dark passenger which he hasn't actually spoken about for a few years - and therefore it is not an ending. There could still be more. Why it would end any other way, I don't know.
The last couple of seasons leading up to this, have actually been a bit lackluster. Deb finding out about Dexter's true nature should have been the beginning of the end. As it was, it was dragged out, she thought she was in love with him, she got a different job, she tried to confess. Some of these things were good. Some of them were dull.
Deb finding out about Dexter should have been cataclysmic. It should have sent the show on a spiral towards one of the two endings that I have suggested.
Instead, they faffed around in season 8 by bringing in a bunch of new characters.
Dr Vogel who was insanely annoying was supposed to have been the one that came up with Dexter's code (that he only kills the baddies). She was weak. Buying into her being his inspiration all along was nigh on impossible.
Her son was better and ultimately a bit more like some previous villains, but he was no Trinity or Ice Truck Killer and to have him be the one that finally brought Dexter down was a rubbish way of doing it. Much better would have been to have Deb be the one responsible for his demise in one way or the other.
Zach was the best character they introduced. He was like a mini Dexter and one way of ending the show could have been to have Dexter train him and have Zach take over his legacy. But they killed him off after a few episodes.
Masouka's daughter.... well what the hell was that point in her? She added absolutely nothing to the story. Dead weight.
Still, even with all of this faffing and the weak storyline, I could have bought the ending if it hadn't been for the last 30 seconds.
The ending prior to this was at least sort of consistent with the rest of the season. Dexter has become a bit more emotional, felt guilty about what he'd done to those around him, especially Deb and then he becomes the cause of the reason she will be a vegetable for the rest of her life and so decides to do what he knows and killer her and bury her at sea. He then gets caught up in a storm and you see his shipwreck. Scene.
At least that is reasonably consistent and gives us an resolution. But no. We're not allowed one. Fade in and we see Dexter is a lumberjack.
What the Bon Jovi am I supposed to think about that?
He is still alive. Surely he's still a killer? Surely there's still more I need to know about him?
In the few weeks that have passed since I watched the final episode, the anger has been festering and I have felt the need to get it out.
It might have been made worse by the fact that I watched the final episode the day before I watched the final Breaking Bad which ended perfectly and true to the entire 5 seasons.
I should have been prepared based on the fact that the last few seasons have been a bit sub-par but I was at least hopeful for closure. Apparently I'm not allowed it. Well, screw you, Showtime! I'm not watching any more of your shows!
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